220020, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Pobediteley ave., 20
Cellphone: +375 29 206 05 88
e-mail: office@proskating.by
Accommodation for: ISU Event Officials, Judges, ISU Office Holders, ISU Guests, Member Presidents, STSP, ISU Event Coordination, ISU Media and IMG
Breakfast is included in the cost of accommodation.
220020, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Pobediteley ave., 103
Cellphone: +375 29 206 05 88
e-mail: office@proskating.by
Accommodation for:Competitors, Team Leaders, Team Medical Staff
Breakfast is included in the cost of accommodation.
220062, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Narochanskaya str., 6
Cellphone: +375 29 206 05 88
e-mail: office@proskating.by
Accommodation for: Assistant Team Leaders, Coaches, Team Officials
Breakfast is included in the cost of accommodation.